Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a pervasive neurological difference impacting a person’s ability to interpret and process daily experiences. Diagnostic criteria consider two areas: social-communication skills and restricted/repetitive behaviors. Like ADHD, executive functioning causes challenges with organization, memory, focus, planning, and impulse control. As “spectrum” implies, the variability of how Autism presents is vast and specific to each individual. Little is known about the causes of Autism, and there is no known cure. Many medical and behavioral interventions have proven to greatly improve the lives of people affected by Autism, though! These include integration of visual supports, structured teaching, social skills training, and psychoeducation for the individual as well as parents, siblings, and other caretakers. People with Autism can often lead full, happy, independent lives when the necessary supports are identified and developed.

Common Experiences Include:

  • Difficulty forming and maintaining peer relationships

  • Academic issues resulting from behavior challenges, organization pitfalls, or other non-academic related variables

  • Stressed relationships with parents and siblings

  • Difficulty managing environmental or schedule changes

  • Development of patterns of dependence on care providers

  • Feeling isolated, cut off, or otherwise excluded from social events

  • Sensory-seeking or -avoiding behaviors

  • Feelings of shame or embarrassment by individual and/or parents due to outbursts in public

  • Secondary relationships (such as parents) absorb the weight of related challenges resulting in displaced anger, blame, and disconnect

Coaching or Therapy?

Individuals seeking services related to this area may be an appropriate fit for either therapy or coaching - we are happy to help you find the right fit among our providers.

In the wake of COVID, all services are provided virtually: individual, couples, parenting, and group therapy to help address these concerns. We will focus on identifying goals specific to your current needs which often include emotional awareness and regulation, organization strategies, healthy communication, interpersonal skills, increasing focus, and psychoeducation.